"Acknowledging leadership qualities in a person means acknowledging the essence of their character which commands respect. In this article, Shobana Chandran, gives us three tips on our way to becoming leaders of excellence, leaders of integrity. Hope it inspires you as much as it did us."
by Shobana Chandran
Lead by example - a quote we often read and hear which, in most times, rings true and relevant.
Leaders do lead by example and not by force. But how?
The first thing we need to understand is that leading by example is not a system or a tactic, neither is it something you can get from leadership books and seminars.
Sure, there are many valuable lessons we can learn from books and seminars on leadership, but the leadership I am referring to is very much related to said leader’s lifestyle.
The way we think, how we carry ourselves and speak, even our beliefs, are all things people tend to watch and follow.
Therefore, living right will set a good example for people to follow – and that’s what it means to be leading by example. Now, there are three areas leaders can set an example in:
"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” - John Maxwell -
As leaders, we are often told to take risks.
And I agree, taking risks is a key strategy in leadership today. A greater strategy yet?
Taking calculated risks.
Anyone can take risks, risks are consequences to any decision made whether you like it or not.
But a good leader is careful and unafraid. He/She listens to opinions, weighs every option and only then makes a decision, whether there are risks involved or not.
Apart from being alert when making decisions, a good leader is also someone who is very aware of his surroundings and behaviour.
People will always look up to someone who is confident, aware and bold, but also someone who is able to perform as much as they speak.
If you say something, be sure you follow through, in action.
"Talk is cheap, but a good leader always walks the talk. "
This may come as a surprise. Why cleanliness? Why something so petty?
The cleanliness I’m talking about goes beyond just being physically clean.
Sure, having a clean and organised workspace sends a strong message.
Anyone who is clean and neat in their appearance and surrounding automatically projects a certain credibility in people’s minds.
Indirectly, it reflects your leadership style.
Leaders who are outwardly clean and neat, have won 50% of the battle when it comes to convincing people to buy a certain idea or vision!
But a leader who is also clean inwardly in his/her ways is admired and respected. You will most definitely meet people who get things their way using methods against your principles.
Most leaders may conform to these methods, not wanting to “fight the system”.
But a leader who withstands temptation to do what is right sets an amazing example in building future leaders.
Therefore, cleanliness inwardly and outwardly in leadership is vital.
Definition of costly
commanding a high price especially because of intrinsic worth
Costliness in leadership is referring to acquiring and maintaining quality in everything one does.
You can’t pin a price to good leadership but one that is of quality and excellence is definitely of high worth.
A leader that aims for quality and excellence sets a high bar.
Leadership of such quality is not done alone.
Know that when we work with the people around us, and leverage the strengths they bring to the table, we can achieve something bigger, better and excellent.
Seek to achieve ‘costliness’ in everything and anything you and your organisation does and that will take you far.
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
The areas that were touched on are not the conventional business or leadership strategies we may read or hear about but are key factors that are important.
Leaders are people that do what’s important and right.
Leaders are people that focus on virtues and right foundations. And right foundations are built on strong values.
Do something different today in your leadership, and be that leader that goes where there’s no path, but leaves a trail for people to follow.
Be the leader who leads by example!
by Shobana Chandran