"In more ways than one, 2020 and the start of 2021 has made global citizens panicky, fearful and anxious. Carolynne Kies encourages us to keep our wits even in the midst of loss of jobs and deteriorating finances by focusing on positivity and light always. It may not be easy but is absolutely necessary - our mental health depends on it!"
by Carolynne Kies
It is important that we become aware of what our thoughts are, how and with what we occupy our minds?
Mahathma Gandhi said - "Be careful what you think, because your thoughts become your words and your words become your actions and your actions become your habits and your habits become your character and this dictates your destiny.”
The Book of Proverbs 23:7 says "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"
What it basically means is be careful of how and what you think of, for our life is shaped by our thoughts.
You are what you think.
Many of us are not satisfied with our lives or our lives are not what we want because of our own mindsets and thoughts.
We think we cannot and therefore we cannot.
If we just switched to a “can” mindset, then we really CAN achieve or overcome what we want to.
Mental illness is such a deep-rooted disease within our thoughts which causes fear and anxiety.
It can lead to a total nervous breakdown where the fear that rules our hearts and minds can paralyse us.
It deceives our minds to make us think that we cannot put another foot in front of the other.
Here again, it all comes from our thoughts. It is an insurmountable obstacle we are faced with when we do not have eyes that look through a positive lens but instead a dark, dim and unclear one.
We are again reminded in Matthew 6:22-23. “The eye is the lamp of the body.
So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is not sound, your whole body will be full of darkness”. This shows us that it all boils down to perspective and the lens through which we view this life.
Cleaning our minds and hearts is important. Doing a thorough introspection regularly, even daily, is necessary to ensure the bad and negative thoughts are flushed out so they do not consume our minds and take over our lives. This practice of awareness needs to be cultivated.
It is also important to fully understand that the adversary that we call the “enemy” place lies and deceitful thoughts in us that paralyse us with unnecessary fear, worry and anxiety.
We are again reminded in the scripture that Jesus is an ever-present help in our time of need.
If you are a believer, we often question this, especially when we go through dark and trying times.
Even if you do not believe in a higher power, there are always these questions of God’s existence. Can I invite you to reflect on your most hidden and intimate thoughts? The ones that no one other than you knows about.
Growing up, I was always made to feel inferior to my cousins by my paternal aunts and cousins. They always made fun of what I looked like, what I was wearing or saying.
This broke any self-esteem I had and my confidence was always close to zero around them.
Although I was quite confident around my siblings, the minute I stepped into the company of my aunts and cousins, I immediately switched to a belief that I was not good enough.
This happened every time I found myself in their company because what they projected onto me, filled my entire being and influenced my own view of self.
This also fueled my negative thoughts and my anxiety.
How did I overcome this?
Removing myself from toxic company.
Reminding myself that who i was created to be is enough and believing it.
Keep declaring that I am a child of God until the believe is formed in my mind. When you believe, you are convicted. When you are convicted, you believe! Then no matter what life throws at you, you will overcome!
Surrounding myself with positive people who build up my confidence and see my worth.
Writing down how I felt in a journal helped me to know that it is not just in my head. I also write down challenges I face but I make sure to include solutions for those challenges in my journaling as well because they give me hope.
Reaching out to a friend when I cannot see a solution in sight.
Voicing out your fears and challenges with someone about the situation gives me a better perspective.
Whenever the situation becomes too overwhelming, focus on taking small steps.
The next time you feel anxious or you have a negative thought, take a breath and acknowledge the negative thought, then try to replace it with a positive and good thought.
The fight continues daily and it is a constant battle to make sure that you see the positive and the gift in each situation.
"Free yourself from the negative thoughts and doing this is not easy. Especially if you have been trained to always think the worst, but start small and think big. A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first step."
Can I invite you to reflect and reflect on your most inner and intimate thoughts.
Those thoughts that stay in your mind and which you do not even discuss with anyone but yourself.
It is important to note that when God created the universe, He made a clear distinction between opposites - darkness and light to name one. (Genesis 1vs 4- ‘Let there be light’.)
God in the midst of darkness is an ever-present light in our lives. You just need to allow the light to shine brighter than the darkness.
Personally, I struggle with negative thoughts every day and I ruminate on issues that do not require that much thought at all.
Although it may not be easy, actively try to block out negative thoughts from your mind and replace it with good ones.
Especially if you have been trained to always think the worst, make an effort to think of all the possible things that can go right and work towards it with fervent diligence and prayer.
Ask yourself this - is your cup always half-full OR half-empty?
Whichever way you decide to answer this question will give you an understanding about your thought process and way of viewing life.
May you be transformed by the renewal of your mind.
By Carolynne Kies
About the Author :
Carolynne Kies- also known by many other aliases such as- Caro, Cally, Enny-lorac. I am drawn to share my knowledge and skills with those who need it and some who just find it interesting too. I do a few things from mosaic art work, to fixing kitchen cupboards, hanging internal and external doors, fixing the roof tiles, on account of my father being a Carpenter and believing in enskilling his daughters particularly. My brother taught me how to change car oil and change car tyres and check the basics as he is a mechanic.
I work at the university of the western cape by day in their eLearning department where I coordinate the Instructional Design and the Software Development and Applications team. Part of my role entails writing blogs about active teaching and learning practices across disciplines and these are done on a weekly basis to share and encourage new lecturers to join and update their teaching practices.
References :
Bible scripture taken from
Schimelpfening, N. 2020. An Overview of Psychosomatic Illness How Your Stress and Depression Can Really Make You Sick. Accessed: October 12, 2020 https://www.verywellmind.com/depression-can-be-a-real-pain-1065455