"If you ever wondered to yourself, "When will I ever catch a break!" because it seems like you're always dealing with one problem after another, put your hands up! This week's article chronicles the life of one such person who finally swung right out of that funk. We hope it gets you inspired and pumped as it did us"
by Kenneth David
What does the drowning pit look like? In my life personally, they are issues most of us face such as insecurities, anxiety, fear, confidence, self-esteem and most importantly identity (image).
We normally fall in one of two categories: living with these issues or walking free from them.
This is the truth and reality in life. But these issues must be addressed and be dealt with. No more running, especially for those living with these issues in their lives.
Firstly, for nearly fifteen years of my life I was in a drowning pit. To tell you the truth it was horrible and the feelings I felt weighed me down.
It kept me from fulfilling my potential and walking in the destiny God had for me.
It also hindered me from participating in social activities or gatherings/programs as a community in church which required me to also give opinions or speak up.
This was because I felt small and insignificant, similar to how David was perceived as just a shepherd boy. I imagined this was probably how David’s family and society saw him - small and insignificant.
"On a positive note, what man saw as small and insignificant, God saw as a man after His own heart and a king in the making. I knew the story of how David turned out to be a great king, with flaws like the rest of us of course, yet I never saw myself as someone God could work in as well. "
Secondly, the one who kept me in the pit to drown me for as long as he could was the enemy himself. The enemy is the one who made me feel like I was insignificant, small, in other words, not capable to even speak. When you are not confident, giving an opinion or speaking in public is almost impossible.
The enemy plants these deep-rooted issues in our minds and hearts. In doing so, he keeps us from discovering our identity. We are a threat to him, so he uses these issues to keep us inside the pit. These are the lies the enemy used to weigh me down and keep me in the pit to drown for as long as he could. It is surprising how I just kept giving in to the enemy's lies all these years. Many times, we forget who we belong to and that we have the might to fight against the enemy.
Thirdly, after suffering and battling with these issues for many years, there came a time where I had a significant “God moment” that pulled me out from the pit. It was about a year ago when someone spoke to me regarding the identity we have been given as believers in Christ.
The wisdom and understanding I received that day about my identity was a wake up call for me to make a conscious decision to remind myself of who I was in Him.
"It took me from feeling so insignificant, to being made whole and set free. "
There was a conviction that enabled me to see myself in the image of God. I used to be negative and didn’t believe in myself but now, I am more positive and believe I am capable of achieving anything with God by my side. How wonderful this is, struggling for nearly 15 years and then suddenly having God speak to me through someone to help me understand my identity and declare it over my life.
This is my significant “God moment”. God saved me from the pit and He is continuing to deliver me. I am grateful to God for rescuing me and working in my life.
Fourthly, once we know that we are sons and daughters of the Most High then everything starts to shift and change in our life. Though we may feel insecure, anxious, fearful, lack confidence or have low self-esteem, the knowledge of who we belong to far overpowers these struggles and gives us strength to overcome.
The enemy’s voice is no longer a siren as the voice of God takes over and becomes our prime focus in life. We will know how to deal with these issues even if it still creeps its way in.
Fifthly, the issue of fear. I have heard of a famous quote by pastor John Bevere that goes like this, “You serve who you fear. If you fear God, you will serve and obey God but if you fear man, you will end up doing what man wants.” This couldn’t be further from the truth. Fearing God doesn’t mean cowering and hiding from Him but rather means having respect and reverence for Him.
I know because fear crippled me in every area of my life and God never intended that for me or you. One of the areas I suffered in most was education. My entire schooling life from primary up to secondary school was a time I can only remember as being gripped by fear.
"This resulted in me failing in my subjects most of the time and ending up last in class. I skipped school almost two to three times a week with sickness due to fear and anxiety and I never could fit in."
I never got to enjoy even a day of school because of fear. There were times I would pretend to be sick and I have even run away after my parents dropped me off at school when I really didn’t want to go.
Don’t worry, I always return home after a few hours.
I remember one time when I refused to leave home, my class teacher actually came to my house to convince me to go to school. So, when I say I resented school life, you get a clear picture of the entire ordeal.
These are certainly not my proudest moments, in fact these were times when I really struggled. My parents went through a tough time with me yet, with the grace of God and through much prayer, they managed to get me through school.
This is a reminder of the wonderful parents God has blessed me with and I am forever grateful for that. I was plagued with the mindset that I could not do well because I am not smart enough for studies when the truth was, I could, if I have a positive mindset and a determination to achieve results.
Because I didn’t do well in academics, that made me suffer with insecurity and fear of what people thought of me and fear of being a complete failure. This is often the case for most of us.
"We allow what others may or may not think about us to define us. But everyone is unique and different. God made everyone in his image and blessed us all with different gifts and abilities. Instead of competing with each other, we should be celebrating our different skills and working together. We should never look down on another person since our actions may cause serious repercussions to their confidence and self-esteem. "
I have also suffered a great deal in the area of health.
At the age of 12, I broke my femur bone - the strongest bones in the human body.
This happened when I twisted my leg and fell right on it. I had to be rushed to the hospital. It could have been a lot worse. I could have hit my head hard on the floor but thank God, my leg took the beating instead.
This experience broke my confidence and I became more fearful. I also suffered a terrible back problem at the age of 15 and was to go for medical consultation and physiotherapy.
I couldn’t even carry my bag to school. My dad, who is the best, carried my bag up to my classroom for me for almost three months. My friends would assist me as well sometimes. My father’s sacrifice is something I can never forget. I always recall the extent my dad went to take care of me during my worst moments.
After all those years of suffering, drawing closer to God in prayer and reading the Word helped me overcome the fear built up from my painful experiences .
It also changed my mind and perspective of things.
It was a daily process for God to work in my life, and He is still working to help me deal with these issues so that I don’t end up in a pit and drown AGAIN!
It is easy to come out and be free on this journey but to maintain consistency requires a lot of endurance, determination, perseverance, strength and courage.
This is only possible through Christ. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This is a verse that is close to my heart and one I use to remind myself it is never on my own that I can walk, but only through Christ.
It also reminds me that He is walking in the storms of life with me.
"God never promises us a storm-free life but He promises us a storm proof life. He is our protection, peace and joy in the midst of the storms of life. "
As for the other root issues, (insecurity, anxiety, lack of confidence or self-esteem) they are dealt with naturally as we continue to grow in our identity in Christ.
Identity is the key to a life-changing experience.
I would like to quote a famous phrase used in the movie “Mission Impossible” where before every mission, the person asks the question “Your mission, should you choose to accept...”
Your most important mission here refers to your identity. Choose to accept who you are in Christ and it will change the way you live your life.
Your mind and your perspective will change, the way you speak will change, you will stay positive even in negative situations, the lies of the enemy will not pull you into the pit again and you will be able to walk in freedom from all these issues.
It sounds nice to say these things but for this to happen there must be a lot of time spent in the presence of God (through prayer and reading his word) for Him to help us deal with these issues.
People change and become a lot different when they seek God and build an intimacy with him.
In conclusion, surround yourself with people who build you up. God gives us wisdom and discernment so let us be wise with whom we surround ourselves. People who are godly, wise, righteous, loving and honest are the kind you need in your life.
They help you to grow and play a part in helping you walk free from these issues.
Being part of a community is important. It will create more opportunities for improvement, growth and wisdom to be gained. It’s always better when we learn from others. It will help us deal with issues in our lives. You can never progress in isolation but you can progress around godly people. With this, be encouraged.
My question to you today is are you going to continue living with these issues in your life or are you going to make a daily decision to keep yourself away from the pit?
Well, my friends choose wisely.
by Kenneth David
About the Author :
Currently pursuing passion in the area of Automotive Design.
A person who is passionate about God and people